20th Century Girl (2022) review

My biggest issue with this film is that I just could not feel a spark between the two main characters. I think the two girl best friends should have gotten together in the end. Okay I'm kidding. I just think their relationship is more believable and precious than the main supposedly romantic one. Nonetheless there are some good points to this movie. It is set during the late 90s South Korea, when the characters are in high school, and the main way the movie shows this to us is by the use of technologies that were ubiquitous and/or still at their infancy at the time. There's the VHS tapes, video cameras, CRT TVs, arcades, payphones, pagers, and the use of email. It's heavy on the nostalgia, the meat of the narrative being mostly told as a flashback. The colors and mood/tone reminds me of that in the Japanese high school romance film 'Daytime Shooting Star.' Only difference is that it doesn't have as much emotionally-intense scenes. The revelation at the end wasn't as impactful as I would have liked. The female leads are overall better written than the male ones. This imbalance I think is a reason why I'm not that convinced with the romance aspect. Overall, it's an okay movie.

27 oct 2022


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